Compromiso con la Calidad y la Salud Global En un mundo donde la salud y el bienestar son prioritarios, contar con productos farmacéuticos confiables y...
Die Suche nach gesünderen Alternativen zu herkömmlichem Haushaltszucker hat in den letzten Jahren stark zugenommen. Eine beliebte Option ist Xylit, auch als Birkenzucker bekannt. Es...
Amputation medicine is a specialized field of medicine that focuses on the diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of patients who have undergone amputation or who are...
If you’ve ever noticed that when you eat mushrooms, it feels like your problems melt away, you’re on to something! Medicine mushrooms—a name given to...
RIVM has investigated which measures are needed to achieve the goals of the National Prevention Agreement by 2040. In the agreement it has been agreed...