CEO Bobby Phillips currently living in LA, Tre-P was born and raised in Virginia and holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business Management from the Virginia Union University in Richmond, VA. His passion for film was strongly influenced by his in-depth admiration for music and its ability to reinforce narrative development and fore fronting emotion. Furthermore, Tre-P was an A/R manager at a recording studio that was owned by a platinum-selling producer, which solidified his aspiration for filming even more. Tre-P has an urban style approach when it comes to his outputs, and they are nothing shy of incredible. From quality music videos, commercials, and branding content, Tre-P uses his creative eye to deliver unique and valuable results in an impressively short timeframe. ABOUT TRE-P So far in his career, Tre-P has established strong working relationships with a diverse range of people, including numerous celebrities. In addition, he has achieved many successful opportunities, including working on the Discussion panel with notable director Alex Acosta, was an Assistant DP for the film “Finding Boaz” with Producer/actress Morgan McCoy-Harris of Richmond and red-carpet actress Fareh “Cocoa” Brown, was a DP for Bullock films in Zeta Chapter Doc Premiered at Bowtie Theater, and had proactive involvement with VCU FALL Block Films from 2017 to 2019. With his immense accomplishments thus far and motivation to deliver nothing but the best productions, Tre-P has already made an impeccable mark within the film industry. He pours his heart and soul into his work and finds innovative inspiration daily to continue expanding his abilities to reach optimal potential for him and his clients. Keep up with TREP PRODUCTIONS, content, merch and more at |